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Brain Through The Meat Grinder

Some time ago I saw an update on social media concerning a book that was going to be released soon. Added to this news was the pleasant surprise that it was written by a person known to me (and all the more reason for me to add his name to my "brag-list" of authors that I personally know). In the quest to get myself a copy, a happy situation ensued. Through the generosity and kindness of a friend I was gifted one for which I am mighty grateful.  So on to the book. Kevitho Kera in his debut book  Brain Through The Meat Grinder  recounts and writes of his journey through a difficult stage of life, of having to battle mental illness. It is a reminder that this journey is primarily traveled in solitary (though others around us are also affected). The book is a personal story which offers an insider view and is therefore significant in the local context where such discussions are tabooed or hushed away, neither of which helps pave the way for deep honest engagement in the ...

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